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Everything I Need to Know in Life I Learned From StarCraft
Notes: I tried to keep this list specific to Starcraft units and tactics, it's not about Battle.net, Brood war, or the people that play the game.
- When there's purple stuff growing where your lawn should be, you've got bug problems.
- Diamonds are a girls best friend but vespene is forever.
- Sometimes the safest place to be is as close as possible to the enemy.
- Big things come in small, brown, pulsating, egg-like, packages.
- Just because your bunker's on fire does not mean it's safer outside.
- When your car is locked to the ground even a small dog can eventually tear it to shreds.
- Waving around a visible red spotting laser in combat immediately makes you a huge target.
- Shouting "My life for Aiur" and running toward hostility is the surest way to get your essence stuck in a jar.
- Stay with your friends.. Do not try and find an alternate route.
- Play next to a hostile Science facility and you WILL be experimented on.
- If you never leave home the world will change without you and you probably won't like it.
- If you're hiding and your friend beside you gets shot; You're not hiding anymore.
- Driving really fast gets you where you want to go but also makes it harder to stop when you find out you don't want to be there.
- Make mixed friends, A pyromaniac can't stop your house burning and construction workers can't cook.
- The Illusion of power and protection can stop an attack almost as well as the real thing.
- Divide and conquer.
- Large animals with protruding teeth or blades growing from their bodies are not your friends.
- Never handle anything surrounded by a green cloud with less than a ten foot pole.
- If you're a brain in a walking jar this IS your second chance. Don't blow it.
- Not everything that tastes like chicken is chicken.
- Never stand under anything flying that you don't recognize.
- Making something hard to get in to also makes it hard to get out.
- When the advance robot probe and the critter next to it die.. you may want to think twice before proceeding.
- Knowledge is power, satellite scans are REAL power.
- If you have protruding teeth or blades growing from you, expect to be shot at.
- Carpet your house in purple shag and others will not be able to live there.
- Never trust any small robotic device with high explosives strapped to it.
- With enough persistence, anything can be made to explode.
- If you're ever caught in an alternate dimension, it's a good time to call home for help.
- The only thing scarier than one nuclear warning, is three.
- Defense is always weaker on the other side of the grass.
- Never build only one of something if it's important.
- Strength in numbers is no match for a good ambush.
- You can't eat what you can't catch.
Smoke And MirrorZ

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