Written April 10th, 2001, at TDCJ Middleton Unit in Abilene, Texas
I sit in the day room in my prison dorm,
amidst men and boys writing and thinking and talking.
Smiles on their faces and hope in their voices,
wives and girlfriends the subject of their attentions.
They express joy, anticipation, worry, pride & love,
their depth of feelings enhances the depth of mine.
Lonelineness, despair, worry lead the pack,
I haven't someone special of my own; this I lack.
I think of my friends and of a couple of girls I care for,
my smile is smaller, my joy less assured.
I ponder, "Do they think of me? Do they care enough to want to succor me, hold me, encourage me?"
I hope for the best; that, I consider friends who can tell me that it is ok, that there's nothing wrong with me.
For I sit amongst men and boys writing letters that I can't,
I have no special girl, no wife, fiancée or girlfriend.
I sit alone at a full table, odd man out.
As others swell with thoughts of romance,
a little bit of the heart of this romantic dies.
Why, oh why, must I wait; is to be alone my fate?

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