Stuff of the Day

Update: Work was ok yesterday.  Never did get a call back from Bounce Energy.  Haven’t checked my account today.

Air Conditioner at my apartment was messed with again (by request) Wednesday.  Whatever they did, it’s worse now.  Going to call them again, explain that I don’t consider my AC running for 4 hours solid and the temperature moving down 1 degree, or UP 2 degrees, to be acceptable.

Had lunch at the CAF yesterday with Kara, finishing off our leftovers from Carino’s.  Was yummy.  Also had a couple of Oatmeal Raisin cookies, that despite being a little hard from being a week or so old, were quite good.

After work, which I stayed a bit more than an hour late for, after killing some time at home, took Kara up on a much needed invite to go over to her and Matt’s apartment and watched the new movie version of Hairspray.  Fun movie, nice company, and working AC.

Link of the Day:

Spam of the Day: “Order the murder”

Funny of the Day: Could be worse.

Pic of the Day: Levar Burton’s license plate

Quote of the Day: “When you get spiders on your weiner, you’re fucked.” – Name withheld by request.