Update of the Day: Got Windows 7 (Build 7068) running on my gaming rig at home last night, and basically functional. Testing out the “maybe this will run better with a fresh OS install, as well as being able to address all 4GB of RAM” concept. Didn’t unfortunately have time to give it some serious evaluation – which means actually playing and working on leveling in WoW, with combat, looting, etc. If I still get the occasional random hitching, then it means either that one of (or a combination of) the addons I use is the culprit, or that I simply need to get some hardware upgrades done. Finally met a friend I’ve been communicating with via Twitter and other social network sites and a little on the phone last night. She’s attractive, intelligent, funny, a bit geeky. Someone I could definitely either just have as a friend, or date. Not a clue what she thinks of me in return.
Was starting to get concerned about someone else, I just found out she lost her phone. Got the bottle of Penfold’s Bin 28 Shiraz (I think ours is a different year though) from James (my direct boss, and our CIO) yesterday. I was pretty sure I have a corkscrew . . . but if I do, I was unable to find it last night. There’s a chance there’s still one hiding in a box somewhere, but I think I’m probably just going to have to buy another. Seriously, this’ll be at least 3, if not more, corkscrews I’ve bought in the last 2 years. That doesn’t count the one I ran off at New Year’s Eve ’07 to help Ganit acquire.
Link of the Day: Wall-E Computer case – one of the most intensive custom case jobs I’ve ever seen. Note: LOTS of images, long load time.
Spam of the Day: “Bring her to the seventh sky”
Funny of the Day: Woman’s Ideal Strip Club
Pic of the Day: Just Awesome.
Quote of the Day: “If the delete key were meant for something else, it would be labeled ‘Delete/back/whatever the hell some jackass decided.'” – David Chartier