Stuff of the Day

Update: This will be a pretty brief one again.  Sorry for no post again yesterday.  That was just lazy.  It happens.

Had a friend over last night.  Watched a couple of episodes of house.  Had some other fun.  Mixed feelings there on a few points.  Seem like the doubled dosage on the Androgel (which I got a phone call instructing me to start doing that, that my testosterone levels were still a bit low, a few days ago) might be doing some good.  One incident isn’t proof positive, but still . . . good sign.

Ended up feeling kind of worse today.  Maybe . . . exertions last night when I’m still fighting off/getting over this bug wasn’t the wisest call.

Had a very nice and good Wednesday evening.  Hanging out with a good friend, playing on furniture at Ashley, not getting my mind made up there on any option yet, being harassed by a creepy saleslady.  Thai food, yogurt, not-right tarzan smoothie thing.  Lots of talk.  It was good.  I could use more of that in my life.

Link of the Day: Modern Vampires

Spam of the Day: “Suiciders online” (Oh boy, I’m just waiting to see what AdSense makes of that)

Funny of the Day: Seems like sound logic to me.

Pic of the DayChe Guevara’s granddaughter wearing only a Bandolier Of Carrots!

Quote of the Day: “though, “i am not a google samich” might bear repeating just because it is so random. i’m loling at it still.” – Kara

Stuff of the Day

Update: Sorry for the fail to update Friday.  Or the last two days too.  Friday, I was simply too tired.  I was working on about an hour and a half of sleep.  I was up far, far too late the night before.  It was probably worthwhile.  There was a redhead female involved.

The last two days, I’ve been trying to fight off getting sick.  Monday I had a throat that started off tickly, and proceeded to scratchy and raw.  Yesterday, and today, throat is better, but I’ve got massive head congestion, and mucus production is in overdrive.  Meh.  Also, I worked late the last 2 days, and have been really very busy both of them, so I didn’t take the time to post stuff.  At least making token effort today.

Link of the Day: Fake Time Travel to Land Your Female Friend?

Spam of the Day: “Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo”

Funny of the Day: “Bartender, fetch us from frosty beers and fancy outfits!”

Pic of the Day: I honestly have no clue what to make of this.

Quote of the Day: “and cheap, srsly, i would never sit in a stranger’s noodles for only a buck” – Kara

Stuff of the Day

Update: I had a sort-of date last night with S to see The Hangover.  Ok, seriously, if you haven’t seen this movie – FIX THAT LACK.  Go see it as soon as possible.  It’s easily the funniest movie I’ve seen in a very long time.  Admittedly, there were some Wrong things in it that people who are too uptight and conservative might have issues with.  Fuck ’em, they need to lighten up.  I haven’t laughed that often or that hard in a theater in I don’t know how long.  I’ve tried to think of the last movie I saw that I laughed that much at, and I can’t think of anything more recent than Anger Management when I saw it in the theater – and I don’t think I laughed as much for it.

Broke my diet (again) last night.  Had a 6″ turkey on Italian Herb and Cheese from Subway last night.  Of the available cheap fast options, that seemed the least evil.

Haven’t touched my Warlock in WoW in like 2 weeks.  I’m debating whether or not I want to go back, finish off the last level to 80, and try to gear up to rejoin my guild raiding . . . or just consider it a lost cause and continue with the other pursuits I’ve been distracting myself with.

Link of the Day: Unusual Canned Foods from Around the World

Spam of the Day: “I photoshopped your face”

Funny of the Day: “Spazi” isn’t right, but it should be.

Pic of the Day: Blasphemy can be fun.

Quote of the Day: “(704): You know the commpass Jack Sparrow has? The one that just points at whatever you want? Thas pretty much my moral compass.” – Someone from TFLN

Stuff of the Day

Update: So, last night, after working late again, I ran home (in the rain, it started raining here about 20 minutes before we were set to end work, yay), scarfed down some quick food, took one of my meds, brushed teeth and straightened up, and went off to meet Ivy and Peel at The Ice House, for Party on the Patio.  They’d been there a good while, because they weren’t working until 7:00 like I was.  First time I’d been there.  Attractive waitstaff.  I was trying to behave myself, diet-wise, but I may have broken it with the jello shots.  One of them was practically thrust upon me, paid for by a new acquiantance we made there.  The second one was delivered to me, by one of the waitresses, for free.  Ivy was running on the theory that there was some girl drama going on between the employees . . . I don’t know what to make of it.  At the time, my train of thought pretty much consisted of, “free jello shot from cute girl.”

A pair of women came in there after we’d been there a while, a blonde in some shorts and a sort of peach paisely shirt, and a slender brunette in a horizontally black and white striped long clingy one-piece dress.  She had a kind of librarianish look about her, is the best way I can try to characterize it, that appealed to me.  I went up to them, introduced myself, invited them to come join us at The Ranch, which is apparently where we were about to go, and asked her for her phone number or email address.  Shot down.  They were supposedly about to go home, they had to get to bed pretty early to be up early, and Amanda (the one in the striped dress) “wasn’t really dating right now.”  Oh well.  Attempt made.

We proceeded to The Ranch, and oh, hey, those two women were there.  So while Ivy and Peel got us a table, I went up and talked to the two women, joked with them a bit.  I went and joined Ivy and Peel, we played some pool, I went and bought the two ladies a set of drinks of what they were already drinking, gave them to them with a simple, “I wanted to get these for you two,” then walked off, back to the pool table.  After having Peel beat himself at pool a couple of times for me, I talked to the two women again.  The plan was to ask Amanda to come be my partner for doubles pool, since there were just three of us.  Shot down, again.  They were really leaving now and heading home, etc.  Tried for her phone number again, denied again.  Didn’t employ a final-attempt line or two there I wish I’d thought of slightly sooner.  Oh well – she simply doesn’t know what a wonderful time she’s missing out on.

We left The Ranch not very long after, though getting Ivy’s tab settled up took what seemed like a long time.  Peel and Ivy were both pretty sedate the entire night.  Not how I remember things used to be years ago.  Still, I had a decent time last night, even if I didn’t end up with a new female friend out of the evening.  The entire bar/club meeting scene thing is kind of alien to me.

Link of the Day:

Spam of the Day: “Live viruses-free!”

Funny of the Day: Brownie Points

Pic of the Day: Internet Danger Signs (click to enlarge):

[singlepic id=10 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Quote of the Day: “We have a snake fight going on out here in our parking lot, w00t” – Kara

Stuff of the Day

Update: Dunno what to say really. Worked late yesterday, working late today.  Going out tonight, will have to not drink at all, or drink -very- conservatively.  Seriously don’t want to wreck my diet again.  Dating front continues.  Small progressions, nothing notable yet.  Playing Poor until Friday.

Had a decent weekend.  Saturday was good, even though I had to work a half-day Saturday morning.  Got a good start on getting automatic updating working for our product, though it’s still not fully working with patches.  Haven’t sorted out why, yet, but I will.  Hung out with a friend Saturday late afternoon/evening into the night.  Worked on her very old, way slower than I thought, laptop, trying to get it updated and functional and reasonably reliable.  It informed her of a SMART disk error and impending drive failure the very next day.  :/

Link of the Day: Photos inspired by the 7 Deadly Sins

Spam of the Day: “Hey, open it up”

Funny of the Day: Kangaroo-like Pouch

Pic of the Day: I’d date her.

Quote of the Day: “If you like nerdy n’ dirty girls, she’s it, in fact, she’s kinky n’ thinky!” – Chris Gore

Low-Carb Diet Survival: My Lunch Today

So, sometimes doing the low-carb diet thing can be rough.  It requires a lot of willpower.  Not just to resist things that aren’t compatible with the diet, but also to alter behaviours that will have you doing things that will upset the diet and knock you way out of ketosis.  Like, oh, a sizable amount of drinking Thursday night.  Followed up by pizza Friday night, and a real, full-blown entirely sugared up soda.  Yeah, when I weighed this weekend, I was very unhappy with myself.  So, from Saturday afternoon on, I’ve been strictly “good” (ok, I did dip my finger in for a teensy bit of incredibly delicious, creamy, chocolate frosting) diet-wise.

Today for lunch, I went to a bit more effort than I usually do.  First, I grilled up some portabella mushroom slices:

[singlepic id=7 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Next up, I’ve been working on some beef shoulder steaks (HEB sale special, I’m not made of money).  Normally, I thaw these out (these have been thawing since Saturday), throw some spices on them, and toss ’em on the grill and call it done.  With these, partly out of lazy last night, and partly out of a fit of fancy, I marinated them overnight.  The marinade was a homebrew concoction, with wine (cabernet sauvignon) and spices (salt, pepper, garlic, soy sauce, tabasco).

[singlepic id=9 w=320 h=240 float=center]

While the first steak was grilling on my trusty Foreman Grill, I broke out some frozen broccoli florets (I’d have preferred fresh broccoli, steamed, but I cooked and ate the last of that last night with my steelhead trout).  Cooked them in the microwave most of the way, then finished up the last bit with butter and slices of colby-jack cheese melting on top of them:

[singlepic id=5 w=320 h=240 float=center]

While they were cooking, my first steak (these are pretty thin, so they grill very quickly) finished:

[singlepic id=8 w=320 h=240 float=center]

I have to say, after tasting the steak (I’ve had some of this shoulder steak before, I bought 4 packages of it when it was on sale) this time, the overnight marinating was definitely worthwhile.  Far more flavorful and tender than before.

Here’s a shot of everything put together, what I actually ate for lunch today:

[singlepic id=6 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Altogether, delicious.  Aside from the prep time on the steaks, this was pretty quick – I went home, grilled and nuked everything, ate, flossed and brushed my teeth, watched twitter blab about Apple at WWDC a bit, in around 45 minutes.  I’ve got more mushrooms grilled and waiting, and steak for another 4 meals easily.

Cancelled Stuff

I simply don’t feel up to a Stuff of the Day today.  I had a fun, bad, fun night last night.  My body was still working on metabolizing the alcohol when I slumped into work this morning.  On time, but I was moving only by force of will this morning, and I felt like hell for a while.

Hung out with Ivy and Peel, and surprisingly, Tomas last night.  Left to go meet a date at Barnes and Noble.  She never showed up.  Oooh, was I pissed.  That led to me meeting back up with Peel and Ivy and Tomas, at a different location (Woofers and Tweeters), and some impulsive decisions on my part as regards my alcohol consumption.  Got the email address of this girl I met at Woofers.  Now ran into the problem I predicted yesterday with conflicting single-letter name-associated psuedonyming.  Already have a J.  Am seriously not in any state right now to come up with a good methodology.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Stuff of the Day

Update: *yawn* If I hadn’t remembered to set my clock-radio alarm last night, I’d probably not have gotten moving in time today.  So tired, so sluggish, and I don’t know why.  I got to sleep at a reasonable time last night.  Bed was the most comfortable it’s been in quite a while, I washed the sheets and finally got the Egyptian Cotton mattress pad put on it (that I bought like 2 weeks ago, and washed this last weekend prior to using it), readjusted the foam pads to not be bunched up.

I’ll confess, yesterday’s Stuff of the Day went up early this morning, backdated.  This is because I had it all set up and ready yesterday, but was running into some significant MySQL issues with my server.  Site5 got them straightened out for me, but not in time enough for me to get it up properly yesterday.

A friend of mine since High School, Anthony Peel, moved back to Midland a couple of months ago.  Haven’t seen him since he moved back.  We were supposed to be out doing something fun and possibly getting into trouble last night, and the next couple of days, because his apparently paranoid controlling wife and kids will be out of town for a couple of days.  Plans must have changed, or something, because he informed me late yesterday afternoon that she wasn’t leaving until today, so we weren’t doing anything last night.  Damn.  I’d been looking forward to some fun on Wednesday night.  So, just before the end of work, I end up with my plans for the night gone.

So, ok, crap – let’s text several folks and see if I can do something anyway.  I ended up hanging out with (and meeting for the first time) someone I’ve been messaging back and forth for about a week.  We’ll dub her S for now.  If I don’t end up finding someone to be with for a while, I’m going to have to come up with some different psuedonyming conventions or something, lest I run out of handy letters (or end up with someone with a name starting with the same letter as another).  Spending the time with her was nice, we had some fun, seem to get along well personality wise, but I just didn’t feel a strong physical attraction.  I’m left wondering, since we seem to get along so well together, should I continue this and see how things might be on a second or later date, and see if physicality and affection may be worthwhile there?

All this is just so complicated and frustrating, since I feel a little bit like I’m just looking for something “for now” until I find out whether or not I’ll have any chance with someone I know I’d like to be with.

Link of the DayHow To Write Unmaintainable Code

Spam of the Day: “Yo yo! Check this out dude”

Funny of the Day: “It was vintage!”

Pic of the Day: “Even Denise Crosby had to tap that”

Quote of the Day: “It’s alcoholic chocolate milk.  I see no issue.” – Rayne Summers, on Bailey’s

Stuff of the Day

Update: So, I got my electricity bills yesterday.  Yes, bills – plural.  My mess with Bounce energy still isn’t resolved.  They sent me two bills.  For two different ESID #s, both, they claim, for my address.  I spent 38 minutes on the phone with them this morning, talking to 3 different people, having to re-explain the entire situation every time, despite the second person saying she was going to take the time to enter detailed notes on the case – so I wouldn’t have to explain it all again. *eyeroll*

It’ll be a couple of days before I hear anything. Or, if is as it has been for them thus far, they never call me back, and I decide to call them Friday and ask what the hell’s up.

Link of the Day: Stem cell contacts cure blindness

Spam of the Day: “Your presence is obligatory”

Funny of the Day: This wouldn’t have been a problem for me.

Pic of the Day: Colorful map of the brain

Quote of the Day: “If you go away, On this summer day, Then you might as well, Take the sun away” – Cyndi Lauper, If You Go Away