Stuff of the Day

Update of the Day: Got Windows 7 (Build 7068) running on my gaming rig at home last night, and basically functional.  Testing out the “maybe this will run better with a fresh OS install, as well as being able to address all 4GB of RAM” concept.  Didn’t unfortunately have time to give it some serious evaluation – which means actually playing and working on leveling in WoW, with combat, looting, etc.  If I still get the occasional random hitching, then it means either that one of (or a combination of) the addons I use is the culprit, or that I simply need to get some hardware upgrades done.  Finally met a friend I’ve been communicating with via Twitter and other social network sites and a little on the phone last night.  She’s attractive, intelligent, funny, a bit geeky.  Someone I could definitely either just have as a friend, or date.  Not a clue what she thinks of me in return.

Was starting to get concerned about someone else, I just found out she lost her phone.  Got the bottle of Penfold’s Bin 28 Shiraz (I think ours is a different year though) from James (my direct boss, and our CIO) yesterday.  I was pretty sure I have a corkscrew . . . but if I do, I was unable to find it last night.  There’s a chance there’s still one hiding in a box somewhere, but I think I’m probably just going to have to buy another.  Seriously, this’ll be at least 3, if not more, corkscrews I’ve bought in the last 2 years.  That doesn’t count the one I ran off at New Year’s Eve ’07 to help Ganit acquire.

Link of the Day: Wall-E Computer case – one of the most intensive custom case jobs I’ve ever seen. Note: LOTS of images, long load time.

Spam of the Day: “Bring her to the seventh sky”

Funny of the Day: Woman’s Ideal Strip Club

Pic of the Day: Just Awesome.

Quote of the Day: “If the delete key were meant for something else, it would be labeled ‘Delete/back/whatever the hell some jackass decided.'” – David Chartier

Stuff of the Day

Update of the Day: I’m dropping the “Brief” portion of this.  Sometimes it’s brief, sometimes, not-so. I’ve not invested the time yet to shove this theme into working like I want (variable-width columns that will adapt automagically to your monitor size/resolution) so when I type in the editor, what looks brief to me (a few lines) ends up appearing 3x as long when shoved into the middle column here.  I’m probably the only person to care about this anyway.  

Not a whole lot to really say other than that here.  I enjoyed Top Gear last night, after a night of new Chuck and Heroes.  Heroes is good, but I’m sort of getting a kind of Robert Jordan-esque sort of impatience with the show.  Baby “Touch and Go (and now Stop)” Parkman is essentially a Deus Ex Machina tool for the show, as he can “Fix” everyone’s powers, and I wish they’d stop fucking with Hiro and give him back his time travel, fix Peter, etc.  Lemme rephrase from above: I really enjoyed Top Gear.  I’ve got the first 10 seasons downloaded, I need to find time to get around to watching all of those.  But my time is finite, and other priorities intrude.  Most of the other things I need/want to do have ended up taking precedence over mere non-interactive entertainment lately.

Oh, and . . . WTFGO Tarheels!

Link of the Day: I almost want this shirt. If the stripe just went all the way around, as it properly should.  (I think.)

Spam of the Day: “Does your child suffer from CP?” – It’s for Cerebral Palsy . . . but the subject is unfortunately (and darkly amusingly) vague.

Pic of the Day: Normal?

Quote of the Day: “A still small voice spake unto me, ‘Thou art so full of misery, Were it not better not to be?”’ – Alfred, Lord Tennyson, “The Two Voices”

Stuff of the Day: Scrapey Face Edition

Brief Update of the Day: No weekend posts, once again.  It was an interesting, eventful, mostly wonderful weekend.  Got to spend more time with Goddess.  Went out to a club Friday night, Club Tequila.  Interesting, slightly intimidating, empowering.  Maybe 3 white guys in the entire place (including me); pretty sure I was the only white guy on the dance floor at any time all night long.  Officially became slightly less “square” Saturday night.  Nothing remarkable (in and of itself, other aspects of that night were awesome), but it’s something I’d try again.  Finally hit level 77 in WoW last night, and have flight again in Northrend.  Should make the rest of my climb to 80 quicker – certainly at least less annoying.  I wrote poetry for the first time in over 8 years this weekend.  Not sure if I want to share it with the world or not.

Link of the Day: Zoomarama 3D Graphical Representation of Net Traffic

Spam of the Day: “Obama caught in lurid scandal”

Pic of the Day: Scraped my face this weekend.  It looks way worse than it is. [singlepic id=4 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Quote of the Day: “Not everyone wants a machine that’s been washed with unicorn tears.” – MS Marketing Honcho David Webster

Stuff of the Day

Brief Update of the Day: Not a lot to say.  I’m hoping for a good weekend.  I have less interesting backup plans if what I’m hoping for doesn’t come about. Sort of sad, gamer who needs to get 4 more levels in WoW and start gearing up for raiding, backup plans, but still, something.  I was hoping to have that as my backup backup plans, but it seems the relatively few friends I have here in Midland don’t have anything group-social interesting happening this weekend.  Anyone else who wishes is free to get hold of me for something more fun.  If I weren’t committed to this whole losing weight and getting into better shape thing, there’s a 17 beer beer-tasting event at the CAF museum this weekend that I bet could be fun.  

Link of the Day: Mythbuster Adam Savage answers science questions

Spam of the Day: “Say goodbye to old fashioned steel knives”

Pic of the Day: I don’t know what to say, but when I saw this, I knew it had to be Pic of the Day

Quote of the Day: “This sounds like a cross between elevator music, and some skinemax soft-core porn.” – Me (referring to the beginning of ‘Goes my Mind’ by Levert)

Stuff of the Day

Brief Update of the Day: Sheesh, what’s with the wind last night and today?  All the dust in the air has my allergies in overdrive, and the loose flue in my apartment was clanging all night long.  Freaking the cat out, making it hard for me to get to sleep.  I ended up being like 4 minutes late for work this morning because I had to dig around frantically to see if I had any more Advair left.  I found 1 single disc left, finally.  Sucks that I felt like I NEEDED a blast of that to function.  Had been doing pretty well without it the last couple of weeks.

Link of the Day: Google Reveals Once-secret Server Hardware

Spam of the Day: “6 Complimentary Bottles of Wine & Deluxe Corkscrew Set on us!”

Pic of the Day: “Say ‘Wheat’.  Now say, ‘Wil Wheaton.'”

Quote of the Day: “Anyone who doesn’t understand sex or fishing has done neither.” – Unknown, overheard and tweeted

Stuff of the Day

It’s been a very good weekend.  Got almost nothing accomplished as far as cleaning/organizing the apartment, or any of the leveling I’d sort of planned on in WoW.  That’s perfectly ok.  I spent a lot of time with Goddess this weekend.  Good, good times.

Edit: I started this Monday but was so busy with work, I didn’t get a chance to finish it.  Then it slipped even further to Wednesday.

Link of the Day: Zen Habits – I like this site so much, it’s not only today’s LotD, but it’s joined my “blogroll” links list on the left column.  Good stuff.

Spam of the Day: “Queen guitarist May named university chancellor”

Pic of the Day: Madonna Before and After Photoshop

Quote of the Day: “Satisfy your lover . . . WITH STAGGERING PENIS SIZE!” – Name Withheld by Request